When starting process of choosing a heaters for an industrial or commercial space, the inevitable question will crop up – space heaters or radiant heaters?
A complete range of ceiling mounted, outdoor and portable radiant heaters from a variety of manufacturers including Broughton, Elztrip, Frico, Master, Sealey, Systemair, Thermocassette, Thermoplus and Ebac. We stock:
Average The Room Is A Normal Residential Room, Office, Reception Area Or Similar, Where There Is Not Overly Crowded With People, Computer And Office Equipment.
Above Average There Are Factors That Contribute To Additional Heat Being Generated In The Room E.G. Strong Lighting, Overcrowding With People And Office Equipment, Conservatory Type Room, Or Flat Roofed Room.
High There Are Factors That Contribute To A High Heat Load In The Room. E.G. Commercial Cooking, Much Computer And Server Equipment, Switchgear, Temporary Building With Thin Walls And Flat Room, Plain Glass Conservatory.
The Total Average Pressure Drop Over Your Higher Efficiency Filters And/Or Carbon Filters Is;
This Pressure Drop Is Costing In Energy Alone
Per year
It Is Probable That A Sanuvox In-Duct System Could Break Down The Biological, Chemical And Odourous Contaminants On This Air Flow For Between 16 And 25% Of This Running Cost
Lower energy cost estimate of an equivalent Sanuvox system (16%)
Higher energy cost estimate of an equivalent Sanuvox system (25%)
This calculator is provided as a broad based indication of the energy cost of running a filter based air purification, and an indicative cost of running a Sanuvox system as an alternative. It should not be assumed to be absolutely accurate and should not be used as the basis of an actual system design or forecast of cost saving of an actual system. We accept no liability for consequences of the inappropriate use of this calculator, or its results. Actual figures would depend on the proposed system for a particular application and on the exact parameters of that application.