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Fixed Evaporative Cooling Calculator

Welcome to Puravent’s Fixed Evaporative Calculator, it’s just one of many Number Crunchers that we have built on our website. We have created this and other calculators to provide guidance on calculations that can get very tricky, very quickly.

This calculator is great for anyone who is looking to mount a fixed evaporative cooler, whether at ground level, on an elevated platform or on a roof.

By taking a number of variables, including allowing you to select from a variety of generic application types including textiles, foundries and wine cellars, we are able to provide you with the following results:

  • Volume of air space to be cooled, in m3
  • Total evaporative air cooler capacity, given in an m3/hr range
  • Number of coolers required
  • The air flow required, given in an m3/hr range

You can then use these results to browse our full range of fixed evaporative coolers. Simply click the link and use the filter systems to access what you need, or contact us directly.

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