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Evaporative Cooler Sizes

Why Evaporative Cooler Sizes Matters

The method of designing an evaporative cooler scheme for a building, will come up with an optimal evaporative cooling air flow requirement for the building.  For example if that airflow has been calculated to be 150000m3/hr then that is the airflow that the arrangement of evaporative coolers will be required to deliver. If we only have one evaporative cooler size of say 15000m3/hr, then inevitably we would be looking at 10 off one size fits all 15000m3/hr evaporative coolers.

Met Mann EcocoolerMet Mann EcocoolerMet Mann EcocoolerMet Mann EcocoolerMet Mann Ecocooler
Met Mann EcocoolerMet Mann EcocoolerMet Mann EcocoolerMet Mann EcocoolerMet Mann Ecocooler

In a little bit more detail it actuially means ...

  • 10 separate evaporative coolers
  • 10 controllers
  • 10 holes through the skin of the factory to bring
  • 10 ducts through
  • 10 base frames or concrete slabs
  • 10 units to install
  • 10 units to connect up to water and power and ...
  • 10 units to maintain<

In other words, a costly and inappropriate solution for the building.

With A wider Range of Evaporative Cooler Sizes...

With a wider range of evaporative cooler sizes the same overall airflow can be achieved with fewer units. Also with a good  choice of sizes, more appropriate evaporative cooler sizes  can be selected to suit the shape and size of the building. So, for example the total airflow could be delivered by,

2 off 63000m3/hr, plus 1 off 28000m3/hr

Met Mann AD Big evaporative cooler sizes

Met Mann AD70 63000m3/hr, big evaporative cooler

Met Mann AD Big evaporative cooler sizes

Met Mann AD70 63000m3/hr, big evaporative cooler

Met Mann AD Big evaporative cooler sizes

Met Mann AD30 28000m3/hr, big evaporative cooler


4 off 38000 m3/hr

Met Mann AD40 Big evaporative cooler sizes

Met Mann AD40 38000m3/hr evaporative cooler

Met Mann AD Big evaporative cooler sizes

Met Mann AD40 38000m3/hr evaporative cooler

Met Mann AD Big evaporative cooler sizes

Met Mann AD40 38000m3/hr evaporative cooler

Met Mann AD Big evaporative cooler sizes

Met Mann AD40 38000m3/hr evaporative cooler


2 off 15000m3/hr, 1 off 54000m3/hr, 1 off 32000m3/hr and 1 off 38000m3/hr

AD Small evaporative cooler

Met Mann AD15 15000m3/hr evaporative cooler

AD Small evaporative cooler

Met Mann AD15 15000m3/hr evaporative cooler

Met Mann AD Big evaporative cooler

Met Mann AD55 54000m3/hr evaporative cooler

Met Mann AD Big evaporative cooler

Met Mann AD35 32000m3/hr evaporative cooler

Met Mann AD Big evaporative cooler sizes

Met Mann AD40 38000m3/hr evaporative cooler

Evaporative Cooler Sizes  - Summary

An evaporative cooler sizes range with a good choice of sizes and outlet configurations will inevitably provide an overall solution that is more closely matched to the cooling requirements, shape and size of the building. Applying suitable evaporative cooler sizes to an application will be more cost-effective to purchase than the equivalent ‘one size’ solution. t will also be much cheaper to install, operate and maintain.